Brokeback Motel, Route 69

Two things:
1.) Christy Crow, president of the Alabama State Bar and Bob Methvin who just barely proceeded her.. neither of them do a damn thing about Dee MIles thus far as he falls far more within their jurisdiction. Plus you pay Tom Gober’s bills so why do you tolerate passive aggressive and evasive behavior unless he lets you think that you need him more than he needs you. Instead you carry on as if no complaints have been submitted and work with this person.
I’m not here to take money out of anyone’s pocket but nonetheless this is serious corruption at the top and it’s within your power to go after somebody like Joseph T. Wells who could have taken these problems out of your hands.
2.) We need to talk about the elephant in the room and that elephant is big blue and one night and a Nashville motel room with Tom Gober… This is important because a lot of answers to this man’s calling in life rest in that night… I’ve emailed blue and he hasn’t gotten back. I expected at the very least a man to ask questions, but provide no answers.. a one-sided Q& A…. I think a lack of answers is my answers and by that I mean he knows I’m on to him…
Nashville, Memphis. Pretty sure it was in Tennessee because all I could think of was the fact that it sounded like a Blanche Devereaux sex story from the Golden Girls far more than a revelation from God story. Plus, I was too distracted by the thought of two grown-ass, heterosexual men going up to each other’s motel room (not a time share) for anything other than to get bent and I mean that in both ways: drugs or the brokeback motel….. Conferences are meant for getaways, not for exchanging evidence between peers, God knows Tom does enough of that in and out of offices and coffee shops. He’s not going to take a man back to his motel room for that…
I have two gay friends who both said ketamine… A person can have hallucinations, but when they “come to” they’re going to physically be where they left off OR at least they need to go home?… There’s no illusion or delusion that Tom was in a motel room on a conference trip, he can’t have imagined that unless this is “Total Recall”….. But I do believe Tom left his mind as his fractured psyche scarred over the truth when he says that God kept him magnetized to the floor of his motel room on his hands & knees, incapable of movement until a supernatural force released both Tom and Blue.
What I do believe is that a big, fat, sweaty, redneck degenerate named Big Blue drugged & sodomized Tom who consequently suffered from a psychotic break. Tom suffered childhood trauma which Blue took him right back to it. Tom’s no alpha male, and this is a form of self-preservation which has had a profound effect on his life mission & his mistreatment of other people. His delusions need to be shattered, intervention held & the puzzle needs to be put together NOW!!
Tom needs help and Blue requires further questioning or I can get second opinions, and third and fourth and 5th and 6th….
Feel free to forward this email to Dee Miles & Jere Beasley over at Beasley Allen or I can post it on multiple BeasleyAllen websites …. Those two good old boys are currently hiding like the Nick Nolte behind the dumpster in Cape Fear. Unlike Max Cady, I’m not gonna stop short.
Please confirm with me that you have forwarded this email to them… We all know threats are not going to work with me… Incidentally, I have contacted all of the Brighthouse Financial major shareholders with an in-depth email and copies of the mass emails sent to the attorneys. Greg, Lindberg’s attorney is now aware of the situation. Too many people know….
Have a nice weekend,