Big Insurer, Bigger Fraud

Greenlight employees & DME Capital



 Being that DME Capital Management functions as the umbrella company for which Greenlight Capital & Greenlight Reinsurance feed into, I spent some time flipping through the 39 page DME capital management report from March of 2022.  Fun stuff!

      I noticed that COO, Dan Roitman, who signed off on the report claimed that all the information contained within was true and correct…. Maybe to the best of Dan’s knowledge, but David knows better and I also believe that Dan knows better as he sat in the June 2018 Brighthouse Financial meeting.

     I’ve got a lot of problems with this “signing off” as I don’t see the code of ethics honored as it pertains to a fiduciary duty to its investors in terms of “full & fair disclosure of all material facts”. But I guess if you’re looking for leverage with institutions like commercial banks then you believe what you want to believe about Brighthouse Financial.. Is this the fear OR the greed you claim to avoid in investor psychology? Try avoiding both by honoring your espoused practice of “benefitting from a large and diverse flow of ideas”.

           It could have been so simple. One phone call from Dee Miles wanting to talk to David about Brighthouse Financial, a case that was being withheld from him by Tom Gober until I brought it to Dee’s attention…after that, elevating David to the level of a board member with attorneys like Dee miles going along for the ride and offering David a better level of legal expertise in regards to big insurers than those previous attorneys who have stood by and just cannibalized retainer fees..

           I’m not sure why any of you Greenlight employees stay at a company for which you have no say OR do you simply feel that your services are not up to par and possibly threatened by outside sources?  Either you suck or David sucks.  AGAIN, what about the DME Capital Management 39 page brochure regarding business practices & qualifications. Everything a low life like Tom Gober sits on needs to be owned by an investor. Nobody needs to be regulated more than Tom Gober except for maybe Leon Black.

         So go fuck yourselves and you’re bullshit March 2022 report from DME Capital Management because you don’t “concentrate efforts on situations where intrinsic value is most readily determinable by financial or accounting analysis.” And you don’t “typically evaluate information from company financial statements and meetings and conversations with management, competitors, industry analysts and other market participants.”

          I’m sure that Brighthouse Financial was very forthcoming with their insolvency just like I’m sure your GAAP theories will never be proven in a meeting of the minds. THE $6.5B IN LIABILITIES MARKED AS ASSETS IS ONLY THE TIP OF THE ICEBERG. You all owe it to your investors to be honest, not suppressing the truth that your second largest holding is totally insolvent… You are all conspirators in a crime at this point.  You should have dumped it like Jeffrey Talpins did!

      Be sure to pass this along to all Broken TAILLIGHT  employees, ESPECIALLY THE ANALYSTS AND ACCOUNTANTS…

Enjoy the rest of your weekend…

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