Why doesn’t Bill Ackman condemn the true anti-Semites like Steven Spielberg or the Kushner boys who breed with white whores so they can ethnically cleanse themselves of their Semitic blood—the Jewface– as these garden-variety, self-loathing Ashkenazi Jews don’t want to look at a wife and kids who look as horribly Jewish as Spielberg’s family or like real “camel jockeys” just like Charles Kushner, another financial criminal whose family was run out of Belarus for the same reasons everyone hates their family here, but now they want to visit the old country so they can lord a victimology agenda over everyone. Kind of hard to do that when you’re a slumlord & a crook. Maybe that’s why nobody wanted them there to begin with. Considering the fact that Dr. David Eli has recently said on X the same thing about Egypt not accepting Palestinians, than I feel completely untouchable in terms of criticism for saying this about the past Jewish expulsion. I don’t hear Bill Ackman speaking out against people like Dr. David Eli AND I don’t hear him threatening to run him out of New York…… only activists who he portrays as supporters of terrorism. Look in the mirror. Bitch!
VIEW THE LINK: This is Israel. This is how Jews think in Israel and in America. To my Jewish friend who years ago said she wished we just got rid of them all despite her being mistaken for a Lebanese Kathy Najimi all the time. I told her if only we had given Hitler another 6 months we wouldn’t have to worry about doing this to native people as a favor for you. I’m not ashamed of this statement so don’t turn things around on me because her brother’s even worse. He’s even stated outright that he thinks “looking Jewish looks like shit & always has”, the better looking Jews are the ones who are mixed, Jennifer Gray is horrible looking because she looks like an Arab before the Jewish nose job & that he would have burned Anne Frank’s diary if he ever found it first because she’s so horribly Jewish looking (bottleneck Arab), but I finally got him with the last one when I asked how he would like it if some self-loathing, splinter group of Arabs invaded his country and went after his women then had them convert and pretended that it was just a religion OR that they were now ethnic Jews in an attempt to alter the racial trajectory…OUCH, UNCLE TOM FELT THAT ONE!!!
I told him to stay away from white women, but that wasn’t enough because he started calling himself Eastern European in front of ignorant American thus daring me to risk being called anti-Semitic for trying to reclaim my heritage, then eventually married a white American. Before the ceremony, the minister even complained at the wedding of some pushy rabbi insisting that the wedding be predominantly Jewish even though once again we have a situation in which Jews do not understand that they are guests among us. The rabbi also didn’t seem to understand that he was hosting a wedding for a guy who’s marrying this woman because he thinks that Jews are ugly AND so was the rabbi who looked like a Simpsons character which is the norm. This unfortunately ended with a rabbi pushing his weight around at a wedding for which the bride’s non-Jewish parent’s are paying for, yet my self-absorbed Jewish friend pouts because the minister is being mean & anti-Semitic since he chose his to speak up about having no voice in it. Her Jewtitude and that of the rabbi’s & her brother’s makes a person understand why Jews were kept in ghettos wherein they enjoyed a high standard of living WITHOUT INFRINGING ON THEIR HOST COUNTRY WHILE KNOWING THEIR PLACE. NOTE Any children from this union are an act of Jewish terrorism & a hate crime. I would say the same thing if I were a Jewish woman.
I can’t even talk to white people anymore because they’ve been so dumbed-down, but I have black friends asking me why Jews pretend that its just a religion when they look different and I have explained (1.) Jews are ashamed of looking Jewish as it’s largely been considered unattractive, (2.) They refuse to embrace their (bottleneck inbred) Middle Eastern heritage, (3.) And it’s a convenient way to suppress the facts, oppress the mainstream and to make their own reality more palatable by dodging accountability. Bill Ackman on X wants to find a solution for the Palestinian problem because he actually met some, but what about finding a solution for the Jewish problem as always they forget that they’re guests living among us simply because they’re very, successful social-climbers who stick together while trying to become the dominant subculture by proselytizing mostly white women who wouldn’t give them the time of day if they didn’t have money.
Jews don’t invade with suicide bombers & armored tanks. They come with a fat checkbook, a piece of white pussy on their arm & a victimology agenda which makes people want to become suicide bombers. This is how 2% society overthrows the other 98% and Jews need to take some accountability instead of deflecting it with anti-Semitic accusations & double standards. Nor Should anyone have to tolerate some obnoxious, hostile, badgering “Uncle Leo” type from Seinfeld because the only thing that’s worse than that is Wolf Blitzer trying to falsely influence people by looking like a wounded sparrow.
Every white woman I meet who breeds with Jews is one of three types: (1.) actress, model, news hussy, useless socialite (2.) Marginally attractive (3.) Left or right-wing radical— And ALL HAVE FALSELY INFLATED EGOS!! …NEXT, Jews weaponize marginalized people like blacks for whom they don’t really give a shit about which is why they now prefer dealing more with Asians who represent a blank slate in which Jews can instill the misbelief that If they don’t put Jews on some sort of ambiguous pedestal than they’re ignorant, evil & not upwardly mobile. This is an extension of the targeting of white, middle-class kids in the ’80s who were rendered stupid, scared and self-loathing by all of the indoctrination because that’s how you make a slave. Conform, conversion theory or cancel! Next step, kick people when they’re down like the church abuse scandal by pretending that you actually care about the little kids who are being hurt just like David Einhorn pretending that “the children shouldn’t have to wait” as if all of his money from sinking Allied Capital would go to children’s funds. THAT ridiculous pretense, then Bill Ackman’s involvement, and David Einhorn’s entire book, “Fooling Some of the People All the Time”, is just another Jewish marketing scam and living proof that the Jewish moral compass has only three directions: victim, faux humanitarian OR Me, Myself & I.
This next part is what I call, “Wait for it!” When Sinead O’Connor died, I knew it was just a matter of time before some Jewish, lesbian activist I care nothing about popped up on my phone pretending to grieve while in reality trying to stick it to the Catholic church and AGAIN creating the illusion that they’re an activist.. If Sinead were alive today, she’d be ripping up Benjamin Netanyahu’s picture on Saturday Night Live, being the convert to Islam and understanding that it’s the final journey point for even a Christian. Furthermore, the same Jewish, lesbian activist who speaks out against the Catholic church doesn’t point out that Judaism is the most sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, groups supremacist & God of wrath religion there is AND it is not even a major one so why are we always talking about it. Nonetheless, I respect the fact that the religious aspect of this ethno-religious group was born in the old world and not intended for a European audience, so I would have hoped that all these activist-terrorist could have shown the other 98% the same respect for what is a more universal religion as this is what the word “Catholic” means— universal— despite Thomas Aquinas warping it in the 1200’s.
FURTHERMORE, I don’t hear & see BILL & MARC criticizing some typical, Jewish propagandist like Sam Gaad who is literally EVERWHERE on X as he resorts to the age-old attempts to first uplift & weaponize some white, pseudo-intellectual simpleton who thinks he’s made an enlightening remark by comparing hatred of Jews to that of Cain & Abel which earns this idiot kudos for his lack of “faux profundity” after kissing the ring of Jewish supremacy. Next, this Jewish problem– Sam Gaad– does the same sort of thing for a well-groomed, black man best described as a “pawn for the Jews” whoin turn performs three disturbing things without even knowing it after which point GAAD tells the audience to buy his book…….
Here are the 3 flaws: (1.) The replication of Jewish preemptive strike tactics by vilifying simple facts, like Jews being middlemen, in a ridiculous attempt to inoculate people from hearing facts and place of origin. (2.) By portraying people as jealous of Jews which literally replicates white supremacists telling black people that they were lucky that they were taken into slavery and saved from living in mud huts in Africa— THANK YOU UNCLE TOM! (3.) Completely ignoring the fact that he clearly doesn’t understand the origins of the popular buzzword “systemic racism’ which Biden’s speech writers throw around today.
……..And lastly, Sam Gaad himself pontificates that future generations will hate their grandparents for allowing this blatant anti-Semitism to occur. All I can think of is how the Jews in the ‘80s got a hold of the most destructive weapon ever known, the mass media, to create a generation that was literally the first group of white kids in 900 years to not know what Jewish is. BUT generation X was brought into the world to be berated by Jews with white guilt AND to have their ancestors vilified (despite multi-ethnic white people) YET NOW their ancestor’s motives are beginning to make more & more sense all the time.
Southerners like Tom Gober don’t know anything except for black & white. So in order to understand what living with Jews is like, you just have to conceptualize the carpetbaggers from Gone With the Wind who did everything possible to lower the prestige of decent people by pandering to the worst class within marginalized people & uplifting the Emmy Slatterys in terms of women (like the trash the Kushner boys marry). If you think I’m horrible, Bill & Marc, then keep in mind that Jewish women have traditionally made the same complaints about Jewish men dumping them for these blatant, gold diggers searching outside their own. Also, keep in mind that Benjamin Netanyahu didn’t want to take in Syrians because he was afraid it would change the nature of the country, yet he doesn’t mind taking in white women who convert and who aren’t even Semitic. I want to ponder why Jews would play the victim about being placed in ghettos when they have Palestinians on reservations & Armenians in ghettos?? Back in America, the Jewish media vilifies HAMAS as an excuse to commit genocide in the same way that the Jewish media vilifies & blackballs women who don’t go along with big, ugly men in women’s bathing suits so guys like MARC, LEON, BILL & DAVID can go ignored and fuck everyone over. NOT A STRETCH!
This is a slow-moving coup. Why don’t Bill Ackman & Marc Rowan call out the “shiksa goddess ethnic cleansing” program for what it is — racial misappropriation (“siksa” is Polish for slut and it’s a word that synonymous with more desirable looking, non-Jewish women) !!! It’s also what was called the Jewification of Europe decades before World War II. So why isn’t Bill Ackman criticizing the exploitation of loopholes in this country– like freedom of religion—for which self-loathing, Jewish men or Jewish couples looking to adopt ALWAYS abuse as a vehicle for ethnic cleansing of their Middle or Near Eastern blood– when they’re not in denial about it? It’s always about loopholes in and out of the courtroom! Like Leon Black who exploits the MODCO reinsurance loopholes in order to siphon $430 billion in reinsurance fraud. This is not an unfounded conspiracy theory on my part, it’s deflecting accountability on yours. All of your peers know about this, yet we’re still talking about transgender bathrooms & sugar-coating Israeli genocide.
Why not suggest Jewish couples adopt Syrian kids or Palestinian babies NOW ORPHANS instead? After all, the closest living ancestor of Jews on the male side of the DNA are modern day Lebanese which makes sense being that Jews claim to be the same Jews from the Bible before INVADING Europe in the Middle Ages and making a beeline for native women which landed them in ghettos for self-preservation purposes… Otherwise, when was the last time Bill ever heard of an Ashkenazi Jew embracing their Middle Eastern heritage? When I look at Bill Ackman and Mark Rowan, I don’t see European faces, I see Jewish faces from the near east who lived among us for centuries with very little mixing which is the way it should be as anything less is racial misappropriation unless you have plans to assimilate– NOT have the tail back the dog!
Jewish is not a real culture, it’s a cult. The Ottoman Empire (which I’ve heard Jews attempt to diminish as the “so-called”) was important, not the miniscule & flash in the pan like the Israelites It would have been forgotten if it weren’t for the move into Europe & the spread of Christianity. The Moors were a culture, but the Jews take from their host countries and call it their own like a bunch of gypsies. Look at the food you see in grocery stores mislabeled as Jewish and it’s actually central to Eastern European, but these, wily gentlemen of the near east apply their Jewish marketing scams to these foods as they did with birthstones, aka, the twelve tribes. Then again, even Palestinians are complaining that their culture is misappropriated by Jews and mislabeled as Israeli, a rootless cult no different from Mussolini trying to make Italy into a great Roman army.
QUESTION: Where’s my restitution for the misappropriation of my heritage, which is far more valuable than some paintings from WWII. The spoils of war go to the victor unless you’re a Jew which is why we used to have someone like Henry Ashby Turner? Nowadays, I have to hear divisive low-grades like the unqualified, Max Kellerman of ESPN Fights (who’s used his Jewish back-scratching connections to speak on other issues for CNN) who’s endorsing restitution for blacks in America– as if he cares anything about them– but what he does care about is deflecting his hate-spewing agenda of white, Christian dominance in order to undermine the mainstream and look like the defender of humanity… Ask him to defend the Palestinians and see what he says!
Will Bill & Marc support restitution pertaining to the cultural misappropriation & racial theft committed by Jews in Europe to ensure that I get a cut of every sale of a bagel or of a piece of rye bread that is wrongly labeled as Jewish rye because real white people like me and my Ukrainian friend view Jews as having ruined our culture just as Jews like to think that we’re not getting their religion right. BOTTOM LINE: All of the money Jews are making off of my heritage far exceeds anything in terms of stolen art or other reparations and that goes out to Ronald Lauder who needs to back the fuck off of the president of Poland.
Here’s a less obvious form of restitution which constitute racial theft: Should we reverse white people who have converted OR adopted children raised by Jews OR remove Stella Adler’s body from a Jewish grave and put it in a Catholic one as it better reflects her heritage because Stella is not an AUTHENTIC, ethnic Jew like Anne Frank, only the product of the recruitment & radicalization of Polish whores who self-loathing, Jewish men had for access to once Jewish emancipation from ghettos went into effect. She’s a race traitor, plain & simple, and that is not a white supremacist term which faux, self-righteous Jews like to say it is in their attempt to keep us all under their thumb.
In fact, Stella Adler was worse than a race-traitor, she was a “catcher” which is a term that dates back to World War II in which “whitened-up” Jews were used to round up Jews in hiding. Now Jews use “catchers” in Hollywood and in real life just as they use men suffering from gender dysphoria, but who are able to pass for women in an effort to make people forget. I’m not alone on this as Sarah Silverman was complaining about the Jewish misrepresentation campaign in film & TV to Howard Stern who’s probably the most self-loathing & typically abrasive Jew of all time. What I witnessed in Israel years ago on Harvard’s Ashkelon excavation really isn’t any different than ISIS taking white women, radicalizing them then seeing them on the news wearing a hajib OR the Nazis taking Ukrainian and Polish children to raise them as German (but at least the Germans were more similar).
Or will Ackman & Rowan call “too ugly to fuck” Dick Wolf to have me portrayed as some cult-like character on an episode of Law and Order despite the fact that friends from Eastern Europe want to know why I am the only one who knows what Jewish looks like in America and why do Jews pretend that they’re the same as us despite looking totally different, especially in front of ignorant Americans. I just told them “if you looked Jewish you’d want to pretend it’s just a religion too then scream your head off at anyone who doesn’t go along with it!….. Now multiply that by 6 million people controlling the media and teaching other people to do the same thing”.
Let’s face it, after 900 years of being ridiculed in Europe for looking Jewish AND having their faces carved off at a plastic surgeon’s since at least the 1940s– which Jews not only refuse to talk about, but deflect onto another “ethnic type”—a person has to understand why Ashkenazi Jews need to look down on someone in order to make them feel more white. They have a convoluted Aryan complex & are taking white women from eastern Europe as breeders. I’m sure that Bill Ackman has no real defense for that, only Jewish psychological warfare like faux condescension or faux indignation.
EWWWW! I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT SASCHA BARON COHEN! I hope you hate him as much as I do!!
Sasha Baron Cohen: This is a prototype of the self-loathing, Jew who can’t stand waking up in the morning and having to look in the mirror because he sees a pure-breed Arab who could easily pass for a Sephardic Jew or Mizrahi Jew being that he’s so unmixed. But the crazier part is that SBC acts as if they’re totally different when they’re not. Ashkenazi Jews have been severed from their native culture much like the Gypsies have been severed from their Indian homeland which has caused a need to make things up as they go along.
SBC’s also a perfect example of the systematic, repetitious & barely subliminal, misinformation campaign of a Jewish media. There’s a structure to it which somebody like Howard Stern mirrors and which I can sniff out before it even happens just as I did with that SBC movie that every pseudo-intellectual hipster wants to glorify in which Cohen mocked Giuliani.
SO HERE Goes, what to look for in SASCHA BARON COHEN or ADAM SANDLER movies:
* First, SBC portrays himself as being the father of a Russian girl because Uncle Tom Cohen wants plant the seed among ignorant Americans that they’re the same thing even though they look entirely different.
NOTE: SASCHA BARON COHEN married & proselytized some actress-model-whore, shiksa goddess with no future who could help him breed out his Semitic blood. She betrayed her heritage by pretending to be something that she’s not because she know that he and his boys hold all the cards. Unfortunately, SBC doesn’t see himself as mimicking a more passive-aggressive version of Bosnian rape camps because Sascha’s goal is to have nonJewish-looking kids who he can call Jewish.. Don’t bother explaining that this is form of cognitive dissonance to SBC or the fact that this GUEST is effectively attempting to turn white people against their own kind and often times the children of this union are the ones with the most to prove.
* Second, SBC makes the predictable “preemptive strike” tactic by going ahead and making a remark about the Jewish nose. At this point I said to myself, “Wait for it…’s a’coming!”
* Third, SBC tries his final inoculation tactic of going to a synagogue with a Jew costume that is supposed to be a play on medieval beliefs of Jews AND which is TOTALLY unnecessary because Sascha naturally looks like a Jew cartoon. But the intention is to inoculate people from understanding the facts of what a Jew is while trying to make viewers ridicule our ancestors as stupid & medieval instead of seeing SBC for the self-loathing Jew boy who’s acting out like a child. This person needs professional help!!
NOTE: SASCHA & Isla Fischer’s child is an act of Jewish terrorism & a misinformation campaign in one. This is the same complaint Jewish women have traditionally had about the “half breed, shiksa goddess”. If Sascha wants to have kids hen reproduce with a Jew or with a Lebanese or an Armenian. White people call me racist for pointing this out and the only people who seem to understand are immigrants from Eastern Europe OR black people who don’t understand why white people DON’T understand why Jews are pretending to be something that they’re not AND why white people are shooting themselves in the foot going along with it.
* Fourth, SBC goes into a den of redneck boys rife with conspiracy theories to further cement his flawed logic of identity politics without ever showing the insanity of the alt-left as viewers don’t pick up on the subliminal text.
To wrap this up, I think we need to change his name from Sascha to something more appropriate like an “Ira” or a “Barry” because Sascha sounds like he’s trying to be a White Russian when he’s not.
The lesson here is don’t let people piss down your back and tell you it’s raining. Kind of like Henry Winkler trying to pretend he’s an ethnic Austrian when he is clearly an ethnic Jew. They say that self-loathing can define a person if they don’t deal with it and nothing defines that better than European Jews who aren’t really European, but trying to be. Even the last names are not their own unless they’re Old testament. They’ve simply taken the name of their village OR the Lord of the Manor OR they were given one by civil servants who pushed two nouns together like flower & mountain (Bloomberg) which was easier than a father and a son who had two different last names because they have different fathers, David Ben Abraham, son of Abraham Ben Benjamin. I don’t hear any of this on TV, but I do see visual misrepresentation.
Now look at the rhetoric, the weakening & the “dumbing down” of this country which all of the Jewish, ego-based agenda has triggered:
- I’m anti-Semitic for telling a Jew they look Jewish, not European. Then they turn my people against me…
- I’m anti-Semitic for saying God didn’t give you that land which you left for 900 years. No ethnic claim! They don’t want to embrace their Middle Eastern heritage..
- Next, rhetoric-filled, young minds using words like “brown” and calling Jesus a brown man despite Levantine people being naturally more olive. They don’t realize that they sound like early 20th century Nordic supremacists marginalizing Jews as “off white”.
- I’m told that I’m anti-Semitic for not allowing weird white kids to falsely identify a completely Jewish actor as Italian.
- I’m considered anti-Semitic for NOT allowing a typical, rat-faced Jew like Mayim Bialik to misrepresent herself Eastern European (I AM, NOT THAT!!!)
- Lastly, these faux liberals now produce pop-up websites of top 10 overrated celebrities who are considered ugly and 9 out of 10 are Jewish, yet they don’t realize that they’re ridiculing “horsey-face” Sarah Jessica or David Schwimmer for looking Jewish.
It’s like I told a Sephardic Jew from Israel years ago, “You can’t say what you just said about your partner’s Jewish nose because you’ll be run out of town & blackballed from society because Jews in America are ashamed of looking Jewish and they marry white women to breed it out. And they do it by turning your own people against you who have been dumbed down, but are too proud to admit it so they’re actually wind-up defending their egos more than they supposedly defend Jews. Meanwhile, the smug Jews just play the victim. DOESN’T THIS NEED TO BLACKBALL PEOPLE FROM SOCIETY SOUND LIKE THAT WHINY LITTLE BITCH— BILL ACKMAN—- WHO’S COMPLAINING ABOUT 200 HOSTAGES AND NOT ABOUT PALESTINIAN GENOCIDE UNDER THE GUISE OF RIDDING THEM OF HAMAS? Again, this is the Jewish problem!
Ever notice how Jews actually have their own Halloween mask of themselves? You know, the Groucho Marx mask which is just about a subtle as black-face. Maybe this is why every Ashkenazi Jew I’ve ever known starts by describing another Jew with their least Jewish feature as if Barbra Streisand’s blue eyes are the first thing I’m looking at!! Jews want to brainwash the American public & themselves into looking at them for what they want to be, not what they are— fake it til you make it! It’s like a Jewish woman from my childhood whose husband said when he first met her family, “I never would have guessed you had a nose job. Every Jew I know had a nose job (sometimes chin left), but you’re the only one on whom it looks real.” Maybe that’s why Israeli news would only interview the guy who looked like a product of racial misappropriation shuttled off to Israel, not the girl with a “cringe-worthy”, Jewish-profile like Mayim Bialik because when the camera landed on that, they ripped away just in time. For the record, having the Jewish nose is not the only feature NOR is it a horrible thing, just a dead giveaway. Bill’s friend Dan Loeb has a Jewish nose and he’s NOT bad looking at all, but he’s few & far between. People tend to think Ruth Bader Ginsburg or Walter Mathau OR how diluted looking are they OR can they pass for Italian?
NEXT, let’s hear Bill Ackman talk about the Jewish guy who looked at David M. Einhorn’s ex-wife, Cheryl Strauss Einhorn, and said, “If this were Auschwitz, that’d be the first THING I’d throw into the ovens” after 15 minutes of ridiculing her for looking too Jewish. This is not the exception, it’s the norm and I’ve heard it applied to Anne Frank, Sarah Jessica Parker, Grant Heslov, Rochelle Wolensky, Sasha Baron Cohen, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Mayim Bialik, Richard Belzer, Nelson Peltz & Jennifer Gray, etc…… Doesn’t Bill Ackman play “Spot the Jew” on TV?
Maybe Bill Ackman & Marc Rowan needs to go to a Holocaust Museum and look at all those Jew cartoons of Jews sitting around tables, making decisions to manipulate everybody else’s life and realize that’s EXACTLY who he is. Its kinda of like that episode of Family Guy when the Jewish kid saw that Jew cartoon of himself, but he deflected with the predictable cop-out of “anti-Semitic” because he just didn’t want to admit that’s how they really look. Anne Frank was an Arab! It’s like Emmanuel Kant had said, “Jews are simply Palestinians living among us”, Jews always attack people who do not pander to their self-loathing complex, kind of like transsexuals… I think the term cognitive dissonance comes to mind.
- Ronald Lauder, Steven Spielberg & Mayim “Jewface” Bialik
- My New York Times experience
- “Catchers” & Explaining to a Mizrahi Jew the Jewish Problem in America
- Harvard’s Inadequacies in NOT Correcting a Sophomoric, Jewish Narrative in and out of the classroom, in and out of the museums, In and out of the Ashkelon Archaeological dig, in and out of the Russian & Eurasian studies program …(23&ME doesn’t help!)